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Smartphone To Browser

From your smartphone automatically send anything you want to present via a link they can open up directly in their desktop browser so you can present instantly. Your slides or other material are displayed in a fast and responsive format that makes presenting the material easy. It includes a super fast 2-way synchronized view so that everyone is always on the same page.

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Smartphone to Smartphone

Call and send anything you want to present from your smartphone to their smartphone via a link with a button they can use to tie into your smartphone instantly so you can present and talk about the material. This way you can present "on the go" to anyone, anywhere, saving you time. Why wait and spend time setting up a video meeting? Anything you want to present will quickly display directly on their smartphone.

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Browser to Browser

Post anything you want to present online with a passcode to give them instant access to the material through any modern browser and launch a browser to browser session where you can present and show them everything you want them to see. This way you can even save basic mobile phone charges by presenting online in the browser. .

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Present anything fast to anyone, anywhere.

The average time it takes to set up and start presenting at a live meeting is 46 minutes and to set up and start presenting at a video meeting online is 9 minutes, with Snappphone you can start presenting in less than 60 seconds simply by placing a call to the smartphone of anyone you want to present to. Snappphone is a cloud presentation platform designed specifically to enable mobile presentations. It is optimized to display your material at high resolution on screens of all sizes including the small screens of smartphones and other mobile devices. This means you can present anything from your smartphone, not just slides but also documents and any other kind of material to anyone anywhere in a snap, right now, on their desktop or right on their smartphone, saving you time


Easy to use, setting up a call is super easy.

Once what you want to present is processed and linked to our cloud platform you can start placing calls to the smartphones of anyone you want to present to and present directly on their smartphones or desktop. Attendees tie in to your smartphone using a special call accept button that is automatically sent to them in a link. As soon as they accept the call the presentation starts instantly. No waiting. Your material is displayed in a fast real time synchronized view that makes it super easy to show them exactly what you want them to see. It's never been so easy to give quick presentations online or on the go.


No waiting, just call and present to anyone anywhere, Sign up & Call now

Why wait to present at a video meeting you setup online? Why wait when you can present on the go with Snappphone? What's the Snappphone difference? High resolution zoomable presentation views. With Snappphone your slides or material are guarranteed to display on desktop or smartphones equally well regardless of screen size. This ensures that they have the impact you intend. While zoom capability guarantees your slides or material are easy to see even on smaller screens. This makes it super easy to show and present material to any number of people online or right on their smartphone.