From your smartphone send an e-version of your sales and marketing material to any modern browser and show your products in real time online. Your catalogs, brochures and more can be easily shown online without a lot of setup using your smartphone. Snappphone is a fast and easy way to have in depth conversations about your product directly from your sales and marketing material with anyone, anywhere online or right on their smartphone. It includes a super fast real time synchronized view that makes sure everyone is always on the same page.
Send an e-version of your sales and marketing material from your smartphone to their smartphone with a button they can use to call your phone back instantly or just call their smartphone directly while automatically sending an e-version of your sales and marketing material so you can show and talk about your products with them showing them everything you want them to see right on their smartphone. This way you can show your products "on the go" to anyone, anywhere, saving you time.
From your browser send an e-version of your sales and marketing material to them online to give them access to the material through any modern browser and launch a browser to browser communication where you can show them exactly what you want them to see while you talk online. This way you can even save basic mobile phone charges by showing your products in the browser from your computer or any other internet connected device.
Talking about products using brochures and catalogs in person is limiting, with Snappphone you can send a brochure, catalog, etc, show it and talk about your product while on a call with anyone with a smartphone. Snappphone is communications software. It's a service that lets you make "in context" phone calls that are about specific material you want to discuss. It automatically sends an e-version of your sales and marketing material and lets you show it on smartphones in real time while you talk. In fact any kind of document can be shown and talked about with anyone anywhere in a snap, right now, right on their smartphone
Once your sales and marketing material is processed and linked to your service just place a call using your service number to automatically send it so you can show it and talk about it right on the smartphone of anyone you want to discuss it with. It's displayed in a fast real time synchronized view directly on their smartphone making it super easy to show them exactly what you want them to see. It's never been so easy to talk about great products, valuable services or important information.
sWhy be limited to talking about products using sales and marketing material in person when you can talk with anyone, anywhere while showing your material right on their smartphone? What's the Snappphone difference? The technical term is "remote view reactivity". It means whenever anyone changes the view of the material all other views automatically and instantly react to stay in sync and keep the same view among all viewers. This speeds up the conversation and makes it super easy to talk about products directly from catalogs, brochures and more with any number of people right on their smartphone.